• My Favorites

Fall Colored Wool

Fall wool

Fall wool

When the pots are boiling, I’m in my element.  Time flies by.  It does not matter to me that I have to carry each pot down stairs to the laundry, then upstairs again.  I wear myself out sometimes and still don’t want to stop when I’m exhausted. I’m in the zone, baby!

Let’s Swap Fabric and Wool

Sapphire Pin Cushion

Sapphire Pin Cushion

I have several pin cusion pattern kits I am no longer in need of. I have several from the last quilt show I did. I’d love them to go to good homes.  The cushion is pictured here.  The kit makes up into a 5 1/2 x 5 1/2 inch cushion.

If you would like one, send me a fat quarter of batik-like fabric and I’ll send you a kit! Email me with your address and I’ll give you mine! debspag@comcast.net

Wool Embroidery

Playing with floss and wool

Playing with floss and wool

I want to explore embroidery with wool. There is no plan for this piece, just experiement. I am using DMC embroidery thread, sometimes 2 strands, somtimes all 6. I will probably add to this piece.

Quilt Triangle Explosion

I can't stop sewing these triangles together!

I can't stop sewing these triangles together!

I have a quilt top that I put together from a block exchange many years ago. Unfortunately, it is not big enough to be a full quilt so I needed something to add to it. I’m not sure if this is going to fit the bill, but I wanted to try the Thangles. I know they’ve been around forever but this is the first I pulled them out of my stash and tried them. Now I’m addicted to them! They are so easy. I sew the Thangles on my sewing machine, then I cut them apart and put them in a basket next to the couch. When I’m sitting down watching a program on TV, I hand stitch them together. I probably have enough to add to the quilt, but I don’t want to stop so I’m going to indulge myself and keep making them and figure out later what I want to do with them.

Hello world!

One of my original patterns in wool.
One of my original patterns in wool.

Hand-dying wool is one of my passions.  In the pastI have supplied wool to several quilt shops, but right now I only supply to The Quilt Shop in Indian River, Michigan. 

Wool is one of my favorite mediums.  It’s so fast and easy. I would like to play more with embellishing wool projects.  I know there are some great techniques I want to try.